What is this?

Real Life Situations

What is this?
This is a flower.

Is this a chair?
No, this is a ball.

What is that?
That is the sun.

Is that a book?
No, that is a lock.

What are these?
These are trees.
Are these pencils?
No, these are sharpeners.
What are those?
Those are butterflies.
Are those clouds?
Yes, those are clouds.
Answer the questions: (Please check the left side.)
1. What is this?
2. Is this a chair?
3. What is that?
4. Is that a book?
5. What are these?
6. Are these pencils?
7. What are those?
8. Are those clouds?

Real Life Phrases

You are welcome
Thank you very much
Good Afternoon (12-4 p.m approx.)
Good Evening
Good Night
Good Morning
Thank you


1. H o. 
2. G g.
3. G n.
4. G  g.
5. G  t.
6. T  u.
7.T  h.
8. Y e.
No problem
Good idea
God bless you
Excuse me
Nice to meet you
9. N m.
10. P e.
11. G a.
12. S y.
13. E e.
14. G u.
15. N u.