What do you have?

Real Life Situations

Hi Karla, What do you have in the basket?

I have some vegetables.

Oh, Do you have some carrots? I need a few.

Of course, Take some.

I need a cabbage too. Do you have any?

Sorry, I don't have any cabbages.

Ok, then. What else do you have?

I have potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes.

Does your mom have any chillies?

Yes , She has a few. She doesn't have a lot though.


1. Hi Karla,  basket? 

2. I 

3.  a few.

4.  some.

5. I  any?

6. Sorry, .

7. Ok, then. ?

8. I  .

9. Does  ?

10. Yes,  though.

Real Life Phrases

1. What  matter?  
2. on.
3. What upto?
5.   it.
6. How  going?
7.   things?.
8. kidding.
9. Good  .
10. Con   .
11. Turn on  .
12. Let’s   again.

1. What is the matter?

2. Hang on.

3. What are you upto?

4. Sure! Why not?

5. Let's do it.

6. How is it going?

7. How are things?

8. You must be kidding.

9. Good Job!

10. Congratulations.

11. Turn on the fans

12. Let´s do it again.